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If your work in the ACT's building and construction industry falls under the Building and Construction Industry Training Levy Act 1999, you may be eligible for a rebate.

How do I Apply?

If you want to apply for a rebate for a training program, you need to apply online before training commences. You will find the online application form on the Authority's website. You will receive written confirmation of whether the training rebate is approved, and the amount. You will also receive instructions on how to claim your rebate(s) and when you need to do it by. Note: Funding is subject to change at any time, based on the Authority's financial priorities. 

Who can Apply?

If you work in building and construction and the majority of your work is undertaken in the ACT (Australian Capital Territory), you may apply for a rebate. Specific work areas are defined in the Building and Construction Industry Training Levy Act 1999 as liable for the levy. All workers engaged in these areas of work in the building and construction industry are then eligible to claim rebates from the Authority. Refer to Factsheet - Eligibility for Training Rebates.

What Training is Eligible?

Rebates are only applicable for training delivered in real time, not self-directed. Training may also be delivered online in real time led by an instructor. If blended delivery (ie. combination of part self-directed and part in-class or real time training delivery), only the real time delivery hours may be used to calculate a rebate. Also, RPL or Recognition of Prior Learning is not eligible. This means that if you are assessed and deemed competent based on experience only instead of attending a training course to learn new information, this is ineligible for training rebates. All training must be delivered by a registered training organisations (RTO) to be eligible for rebates. After training is successfully completed, you need to provide evidence of successful completion, and an invoice made out to the Authority. 

How are rebates decided?

Rebates are awarded against priorities of the Authority's annual Training Plan. An algorithm determines the rebate amount based on the face-to-face hours of training and the overall cost. If a rebate exceeds staff delegation, the Authority’s board will need to approve an application. Some rebates are a flat rate regardless of hours to deliver and cost (e.g. Crystalline Silica Exposure Prevention).

How will I know if my application is approved?

Applications are assessed for eligibility once lodged and an email response of the outcome will be sent to the contact person on the application. Email confirmations also include details on how to claim the funding and the deadlines you need to follow. 

What types of training are eligible for funding?

Under the Authority’s legislation, training must be provided by an RTO.  Training may be accredited or non-accredited. Online training, RPL or any training not delivered in real time is not eligible. Only face-to-face training  hours are eligible for the calculation rebates. Training funded by other sources (e.g. Skills Canberra) are ineligible for funding from the Authority.

Who is eligible for funding?

Individuals working in the Building and Construction Industry in the ACT are eligible, who undertake work liable for the payment of the Training Levy.   Please refer to FactSheet - Eligibility of Rebates for more details.

How long are pre-approved places valid?

Pre-approved places are valid for six months and expire on 30 June and 31 December each year. Whole qualifications are valid for 12 months. 

How do I claim the rebate?

Individuals / ABN holders - The confirmation email for pre-approval for individuals includes a link to upload your claim for payment. Please upload an invoice and evidence of training completed  (e.g. Certificate transcript). RTO - Email copy of invoice and spreadsheet with evidence (Note: Date of birth has been replaced with USI and TFA registration number is required). Note: The RTO is responsible for confirming with the student that their USI will be shared with the Authority. All claims require a tax invoice for the pre-approved rebate amount and submit with evidence of course completion to the Authority within 60 days of training being completed.

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What if I am unable to claim within 60 days of completing?

If you are unable to meet the 60-day deadline for claiming your rebate, contact the Authority. Any approval to pay later than 60 days needs to be pre-approved before the deadline by the CEO of the Authority.    

Who ensures eligibility for funded training?

RTO’s and individuals who make claims for pre-approved places are required to ensure all student(s) meet the eligibility criteria for rebates from the Authority. At the time of lodging an application, a declaration is made on behalf of the organisation (i.e. RTO or ABN holder) applying that the information provided is correct. 

How often is the policy reviewed?

The policy is reviewed at least annually or as a change in legislation may require to ensure it stays effective and relevant.  NOTE:  There are specific descriptions of each type of work included in the Authority’s annual Training Plan and the Building and Construction Industry Training Levy Act 1999. For individual advice on definitions of work, please refer to the 'Factsheet Elibility for Training Rebates' or contact the Authority direct on (02) 6262 5630. 

What if any of my details change after an application (e.g. Contact person, RTO delivery, the course)?

Please contact the Authority office via phone: (02) 6262 5630 or email: to notify us. The details can be updated by Authority staff in some cases, or you may need to lodge a new application.

What if I attended & missed out on applying?

The Authority does not accept applications after the training has taken place. It is in the applicants best interest to apply before training commences or the application will be declined. 

What if the RTO claims on my behalf?

You're application will be declined and the processing will go through the RTO instead.